
Below are resources that we pray would be helpful and encouraging in your relationship with God.  Some of these can be used personally or within your family.  These resources may also be helpful during our current sermon series and classes.

Blessing our Community Devotional and Prayer Journal

This booklet is an invitation to participate in our third annual Half-Million Mobilization call to prayer. Join with your fellow Nazarenes across Canada and the United States in praying for the Cycle of Resurgence and all Nazarenes around the world to be Mobilized for Blessing Our Community in 2024. Pray for the Spirit’s empowerment to go from within the walls of the church buildings where we gather, out into our local communities to meet people where they are and be a blessing in their lives.

Blessing Our Community Family Devotional

It is our hope that this time in prayer together as a family will do a deep work in our lives and our churches to be a mighty force for blessing our community throughout the year ahead.

Blessing Our Community Family Service Projects

We pray this Family Service Projects guide is one more tool that allows you to bless the community around your church through the power of prayer and the Holy Spirit!

The Annual Report of 2023-2024

This download includes all of the reports for the church calendar year from May of 2023 to April of 2024